Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Research Design: What is Research Design, Types, Methods, and Examples Editage USA Official Blog

what is a research design

You can also use mixed methods that combine both qualitative and quantitative approaches. With this approach to research, you can get more comprehensive answers to your research problem and you can deduct more informed conclusions. Quantitative research is for cases where statistical conclusions to collect actionable insights are essential. Quantitative research methods are necessary for the growth of any organization.

Observation methods

A correlation coefficient determines the correlation between two variables whose values range between -1 and +1. If the correlation coefficient is towards +1, it indicates a positive relationship between the variables, and -1 means a negative relationship between the two variables. Explore existing conditions retrospectively with Retrospective Exploration, shedding light on potential causes where variable manipulation isn’t feasible. For example, if you wanted to measure if/how different types of fertiliser affect plant growth, you could set up several groups of plants, with each group receiving a different type of fertiliser, as well as one with no fertiliser at all. You could then measure how much each plant group grew (on average) over time and compare the results from the different groups to see which fertiliser was most effective. "I think that there is almost like a range that you can design in, based on developments or how people think about the future," said Bantal.

Examples of flexible research designs

It is especially important to consider the education level of the survey population when thinking about how easy it will be for respondents to interpret and answer a question. This involves observing and documenting the behavior or interactions of individuals or groups in a natural or controlled setting. Observational studies can be used to describe social, cultural, or environmental phenomena, or to investigate the effects of interventions or treatments. Causal research design, on the other hand, is conducted to study cause-and-effect relationships. Table 3 below illustrates some examples for studies with causal research design.

what is a research design

Frequently Asked Questions

This is in particular important when you’re dealing with large populations, e.g., people in a specific country, and it is impossible to get data on all of them. Instead, you will collect data based on a representative sample of that population. Grounded theory design aims to discover the problems and challenges in society and how members of society deal with these. It involves an iterative process of “formulation, testing and re-development of propositions until a theory is developed”.

Understanding trajectories of refugee inclusion in national education systems: research design and methodology for ... - ReliefWeb

Understanding trajectories of refugee inclusion in national education systems: research design and methodology for ....

Posted: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

This means that the researcher’s primary focus will be interpreting patterns, tendencies, and accounts and understanding the implications and social framework. Statistical conclusion validity examines the extent to which conclusions derived using a statistical procedure are valid. For example, it examines whether the right statistical method was used for hypotheses testing, whether the variables used meet the assumptions of that statistical test (such as sample size or distributional requirements), and so forth.

The research design is an important component of a research proposal because it plans the project’s execution. You can share it with the supervisor, who would evaluate the feasibility and capacity of the results and conclusion. The following table shows the characteristics of the most popularly employed research methods.

In this article, which is the first part of a series on “study designs,” we provide an overview of research study designs and their classification. It’s also possible to use a mixed methods design that integrates aspects of both approaches. By combining qualitative and quantitative insights, you can gain a more complete picture of the problem you’re studying and strengthen the credibility of your conclusions. For qualitative data analysis, you may consider using thematic analysis or discourse analysis. The former focuses on the understanding the data content and its wider implications to determine key themes.

Qualitative research vs. Quantitative research

These do not try to answer questions or establish relationships between variables. Examples of descriptive studies include case reports, case series, and cross-sectional surveys (please note that cross-sectional surveys may be analytical studies as well – this will be discussed in the next article in this series). Examples of descriptive studies include a survey of dietary habits among pregnant women or a case series of patients with an unusual reaction to a drug.

Step 7: Develop approach to data analysis

Many surveyors want to track changes over time in people’s attitudes, opinions and behaviors. A cross-sectional design surveys different people in the same population at multiple points in time. However, it is common for the set of people in survey panels to change over time as new panelists are added and some prior panelists drop out. Many of the questions in Pew Research Center surveys have been asked in prior polls. Asking the same questions at different points in time allows us to report on changes in the overall views of the general public (or a subset of the public, such as registered voters, men or Black Americans), or what we call “trending the data”.

Action research assumes that complex social phenomena are best understood by introducing interventions or ‘actions’ into those phenomena and observing the effects of those actions. The researcher’s choice of actions must be based on theory, which should explain why and how such actions may cause the desired change. The researcher then observes the results of that action, modifying it as necessary, while simultaneously learning from the action and generating theoretical insights about the target problem and interventions.

As an example, a case study design could be used to explore the factors influencing the success of a specific small business. This would involve diving deeply into the organisation to explore and understand what makes it tick – from marketing to HR to finance. In terms of data collection, this could include interviews with staff and management, review of policy documents and financial statements, surveying customers, etc. As you can see, grounded theory is ideally suited to studies where the research aims involve theory generation, especially in under-researched areas.

Traverse the realm of correlations with Correlational Studies, scrutinizing interrelationships between variables without inferring causality. Uncover insights into the dynamic web of connections shaping research landscapes. Plunge into the depths of data collection with Survey Research, extracting insights into attitudes, characteristics, and opinions. Engage in profound exploration through Case Studies, dissecting singular phenomena to unveil profound insights.

Monday, April 29, 2024

College in Fort Lauderdale FL Main Campus

keiser university fashion design program info pubgnewstate

At Keiser, we deliver the same quality education through different scheduling options to accommodate busy schedules. Whether you choose day, evening, or online classes, chances are, you will find a schedule that fits yours and allows you to fulfill one of the most important commitments you can make – a commitment to your education. The Flagship campus students recently enjoyed a presentation and a fashion show designed to highlight the benefits of professional demeanor and dress at their annual Dress for Success Fashion Show. Attending Keiser University and getting my degree was the best decision I have ever made. The small class sizes and personalized attention helped me get my degree quickly.

Programs Offered

keiser university fashion design program info pubgnewstate

Each year, we compile a list of the top list of the Top Fashion Design Schools and Colleges in the United States. Our definitive ranking of the top fashion design schools in the U.S. is based on factors like the schools’ admission data, graduation success, reputation and an extensive proprietary survey conducted with school & industry stakeholders. In addition to our Top 50 National rankings, we are happy to provide regional rankings as well. The Design program at Keiser University was filled with real world learning and hands on instruction… Based on the portfolio I created while a student at Keiser University, I landed a job in Graphic Design for a major online retailer immediately after graduation. Keiser University’s Flagship Campus recently introduced its students to the many professional opportunities offered by the resort and golf industry as it hosted a representative from Palm Beach County’s own internationally recognized resort.

Keiser University Flagship Campus

keiser university fashion design program info pubgnewstate

A master’s or doctoral degree can be a great way to build upon your existing skills and advance within your career. At Keiser University, we have been providing excellence in education since 1977. Our class sizes are small, the instruction you receive from your instructors is personal, and our class schedules are flexible. Keiser University was, hands down, the perfect place for me to pursue my degree in Occupational Therapy.

Learning that Fits Your Life

Pre-requisites for the Graphic Arts and Design program include a desire to learn, a willingness to work, and an open mind. Whether you have no art experience, no computer experience, or have been playing in Photoshop since you were three, using state of the industry software and hardware, our graphic art and design program teaches you more than just how to make a great image, video, or web site. The Graphic Arts and Design program teaches you the skills to build a career out of doing what you love. Video games have come a long way since the early days of Pong. Today, the intricate graphics and interactive plot design rival the competitive aspect of gaming, and every element combines for that perfect immersive experience.

School Rankings

They determine the fashion choices for TV commercials, movies and music videos, and may go on to be a personal fashion stylist for a public figure or celebrity. Course requirements include research, analysis, and forecasting of fashion trends and presentation of fashion events. A group fashion show will be incorporated into this course, as well as individual assignments.

What Our Students Are Saying

Keiser University’s Bachelor of Science degree in Animation and Game Design prepares students for successful careers in interactive digital media related fields such as video game design and production as well as 3D modeling and animation. Students will acquire the necessary knowledge and practical application of interactive media theory and processes to grow professionally and academically throughout their careers. Concepts explored are character development, 3D modeling and animation, level design, programming languages and interactive storytelling among others.

Associate Degrees

At the Fort Lauderdale campus of Keiser University, students benefit from the philosophy of combining hands-on practical collaborative learning to their academic experience. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) needed for licensure. Keiser University’s Departments of Student Services provide quality support services which enhance the overall development of students and eliminates barriers to student learning.

Keiser University Fort Lauderdale is conveniently located on Commercial Boulevard between Interstate 95 and Florida’s Turnpike. Admissions, administration, academic affairs, student services, and financial services departments are available to assist you at this location, which is staffed full time and offers a pleasant academic environment. Amenities include spacious classrooms, computer and medical labs, library with internet-enabled computer workstations, auditorium, comfortable lounge area, student services information and career center, and on-site parking. Keiser University uses state of the industry instructional equipment which meets program standards and learning objectives.


Graduate degrees are offered online, in-person, or in a hybrid format (a combination of online and on-campus), so you can choose the learning style that fits your needs. …Thank you for imparting all your wisdom on us this past year. Your passion for therapy and your drive to be the best in the field were inspiring. I appreciate you always keeping up with the latest techniques, and teaching us through a more hands on approach, in order to best prepare us for the job as PTAs. The exam results are in, and it looks like all the hard work has paid off! I am excited to begin my career as a certified physical therapist assistant.

Group projects are also incorporated in the course, including community contact with local (and national) retail apparel firms. Keiser University Flagship Campus students recently enjoyed a “How to Land Your First Job” educational forum which creatively highlighted career search do’s and don’ts. The MSOT Bridge Program combines hybrid instruction with clinical learning experiences to prepare you to take the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) exam. Upon passing the NBCOT exam, you will be ready to function as a generalist occupational therapist within the profession. Graduates with a concentration in machine learning will have the in-demand skills needed to craft AI solutions that harness machine learning to solve complex problems. Graduates with a Data Science concentration will learn to mine unstructured data to create searchable knowledge stores.

Top-level game design skills are what turns that magic into reality, and if you want to make your own mark in the video game industry, your future begins with Keiser University’s Bachelor of Science Degree in Animation and Game Design. An occupational therapy assistant (OTA) works under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist to help people of all ages enhance their performance of important everyday activities such as work, education and self-care despite the effects of illness, disability or injury. OTAs interact with clients to assess existing performance, set therapeutic goals, develop a plan and implement intervention. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) OTA certification exam. Through a combination of academic courses and full-time fieldwork experiences, you’ll learn to articulate OT theory, analyze practice-related evidence, and apply evaluation strategies, so you can effectively plan and implement OT services and treatment. You’ll also expand your skills for developing and modifying occupation-based intervention plans for individual clients based on assessment results, priorities and discharge needs, environmental factors, and expected outcomes.

The professors transformed my attitude and behavior, gave me the self-confidence I was lacking, and restored my energy. I not only received an excellent education but also encouragement and training that built my self-confidence every day.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Graphic Arts Program Graphic Arts & Design, AS

keiser university fashion design program info pubgnewstate

Each year, we compile a list of the top list of the Top Fashion Design Schools and Colleges in the United States. Our definitive ranking of the top fashion design schools in the U.S. is based on factors like the schools’ admission data, graduation success, reputation and an extensive proprietary survey conducted with school & industry stakeholders. In addition to our Top 50 National rankings, we are happy to provide regional rankings as well. The Design program at Keiser University was filled with real world learning and hands on instruction… Based on the portfolio I created while a student at Keiser University, I landed a job in Graphic Design for a major online retailer immediately after graduation. Keiser University’s Flagship Campus recently introduced its students to the many professional opportunities offered by the resort and golf industry as it hosted a representative from Palm Beach County’s own internationally recognized resort.

Committed to Educational Excellence

Graduate degrees are offered online, in-person, or in a hybrid format (a combination of online and on-campus), so you can choose the learning style that fits your needs. …Thank you for imparting all your wisdom on us this past year. Your passion for therapy and your drive to be the best in the field were inspiring. I appreciate you always keeping up with the latest techniques, and teaching us through a more hands on approach, in order to best prepare us for the job as PTAs. The exam results are in, and it looks like all the hard work has paid off! I am excited to begin my career as a certified physical therapist assistant.

keiser university fashion design program info pubgnewstate


Top-level game design skills are what turns that magic into reality, and if you want to make your own mark in the video game industry, your future begins with Keiser University’s Bachelor of Science Degree in Animation and Game Design. An occupational therapy assistant (OTA) works under the supervision of a licensed occupational therapist to help people of all ages enhance their performance of important everyday activities such as work, education and self-care despite the effects of illness, disability or injury. OTAs interact with clients to assess existing performance, set therapeutic goals, develop a plan and implement intervention. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) OTA certification exam. Through a combination of academic courses and full-time fieldwork experiences, you’ll learn to articulate OT theory, analyze practice-related evidence, and apply evaluation strategies, so you can effectively plan and implement OT services and treatment. You’ll also expand your skills for developing and modifying occupation-based intervention plans for individual clients based on assessment results, priorities and discharge needs, environmental factors, and expected outcomes.

keiser university fashion design program info pubgnewstate

Your Diagnostic Medical Sonography Program

Group projects are also incorporated in the course, including community contact with local (and national) retail apparel firms. Keiser University Flagship Campus students recently enjoyed a “How to Land Your First Job” educational forum which creatively highlighted career search do’s and don’ts. The MSOT Bridge Program combines hybrid instruction with clinical learning experiences to prepare you to take the National Board of Certification in Occupational Therapy (NBCOT) exam. Upon passing the NBCOT exam, you will be ready to function as a generalist occupational therapist within the profession. Graduates with a concentration in machine learning will have the in-demand skills needed to craft AI solutions that harness machine learning to solve complex problems. Graduates with a Data Science concentration will learn to mine unstructured data to create searchable knowledge stores.

At the Fort Lauderdale campus of Keiser University, students benefit from the philosophy of combining hands-on practical collaborative learning to their academic experience. Graduates of the program are eligible to take the National Physical Therapy Examination (NPTE) needed for licensure. Keiser University’s Departments of Student Services provide quality support services which enhance the overall development of students and eliminates barriers to student learning.

Fund your education

Pre-requisites for the Graphic Arts and Design program include a desire to learn, a willingness to work, and an open mind. Whether you have no art experience, no computer experience, or have been playing in Photoshop since you were three, using state of the industry software and hardware, our graphic art and design program teaches you more than just how to make a great image, video, or web site. The Graphic Arts and Design program teaches you the skills to build a career out of doing what you love. Video games have come a long way since the early days of Pong. Today, the intricate graphics and interactive plot design rival the competitive aspect of gaming, and every element combines for that perfect immersive experience.

The professors transformed my attitude and behavior, gave me the self-confidence I was lacking, and restored my energy. I not only received an excellent education but also encouragement and training that built my self-confidence every day.


A master’s or doctoral degree can be a great way to build upon your existing skills and advance within your career. At Keiser University, we have been providing excellence in education since 1977. Our class sizes are small, the instruction you receive from your instructors is personal, and our class schedules are flexible. Keiser University was, hands down, the perfect place for me to pursue my degree in Occupational Therapy.

This program is offered at the following Florida locations:

They determine the fashion choices for TV commercials, movies and music videos, and may go on to be a personal fashion stylist for a public figure or celebrity. Course requirements include research, analysis, and forecasting of fashion trends and presentation of fashion events. A group fashion show will be incorporated into this course, as well as individual assignments.

We have excellent industry contacts in South Florida, New York and Los Angeles. These professionals are great to network with—especially when searching for internship opportunities. Choose the career-relevant graduate program that is the perfect fit for you. At Keiser University, we are committed to putting you and your future first with a high level of educational quality at a convenient campus location near you.

At Keiser, we deliver the same quality education through different scheduling options to accommodate busy schedules. Whether you choose day, evening, or online classes, chances are, you will find a schedule that fits yours and allows you to fulfill one of the most important commitments you can make – a commitment to your education. The Flagship campus students recently enjoyed a presentation and a fashion show designed to highlight the benefits of professional demeanor and dress at their annual Dress for Success Fashion Show. Attending Keiser University and getting my degree was the best decision I have ever made. The small class sizes and personalized attention helped me get my degree quickly.

Live Music & Events St Louis, MO

old rock house

According to a GoFundMe set up for the family, both Lee and Slawinski were injured trying to rescue Mack. MUNSTER, Ind. (Gray News) - A 3-year-old boy died in a house fire despite his father’s attempts to save him. As tragic as her death was, it looks like the owners of the place are trying to turn the page from that saga ... She had sustained an anoxic brain injury in the crash ... Which, according to her rep at the time, she would never recover from. Lynne also said she and her pets nearly died when Anne's Mini Cooper came barreling into her home without warning.

NATO chief chides alliance countries slow to deliver aid to Ukraine

You can contact our booking team at Please include any relevant band/artist info. If it is required, it will be noted in the Facebook event and in the information section of the event on our concert calendar. But please note that we do a pre-authorization charge to make sure there are sufficient funds, this will disappear off of your bank account in about 2-3 business days. Taking photos/videos with your phone is welcome – please tag us on social media if you share! We do not allow professional gear – including cameras with detachable lenses, tripods / stands, flash photography, or audio recording – without artist/venue permission. Tonina will perform and livestream two concerts, one from the Pageant, one from the Sheldon.


Whenever I used to see the old Ship's sign towering over the corner of Olympic and La Cienega, I wished modern health codes encouraged more restaurants to have toasters on each table. By simply looking at the photo, scientists can’t tell how old the jawbone may be or which species—modern human or early human relative—it may have once belonged to. To sleuth out that information, they hope to run the specimen through a CT scanner and construct a 3D model of it. Chemical analysis of the rock could reveal its age, and samples of the tooth enamel might hold clues to what the jawbone’s owner ate.

Closings & Delays — Check the full list any time

Stifel Theatre is illuminated in red Sept. 1, 2020, for Red Alert RESTART. The one-night display is part of a nationwide effort to raise awareness for arts professionals and performance venues affected by the shutdown of live events during the coronavirus pandemic. The exterior and storm lobby of the Fox Theatre in Grand Center are illuminated in red Sept. 1, 2020, for Red Alert RESTART.

Primary Menu

The building features 6,000 square feet on three distinct levels, a state-of-the-art sound, light and video system and a flexible menu available most concert nights. A few, including Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk, could not suppress a slightly sardonic tone even in expressing relief. NATO allies that feel more directly threatened by Russia, including the Baltic states and Poland, have long viewed the conflict with a sense of crisis and urgency, and were at times incredulous as U.S. support appeared to flag. Castle Rock law enforcement told the family that Elizabeth was stabbed multiple times before the house was set on fire. He was picked up by law enforcement in Florida and extradited to Colorado. Laurel Canyon began attracting Hollywood luminaries in the early 1920s when it was viewed as a remote, private location in the hills.

Riley Holtz calls album release concert at the Old Rock House 'surreal' - St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Riley Holtz calls album release concert at the Old Rock House 'surreal'.

Posted: Tue, 09 Jan 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Cass is known alternatively as the “Earth Mother of Laurel Canyon” and, as Graham Nash described her, “The Gertrude Stein of Laurel Canyon” because her house seemingly recreated Stein’s salon at 27 Rue de Fleurus in Paris in the 1920s. Here, Natalie, Nick Adams, and Dennis Hopper are making dinner at the house in 1956. In 1957, Natalie met a handsome young actor named Robert Wagner who would later propose to her by secretly placing a pearl and diamond ring at the bottom of her glass of champagne. A tiny inscription on the ring read, “Marry me” and three weeks later he did. The alleged abuse, which occurred nearly a dozen times, took place in Gray’s car or apartment, the victim alleged.

Bryan Bjorlow said he would rather see the case go to trial than see his stepson take a plea deal. The family is expected to be in court on Monday to see what happens next. The family said “Liz” was a loving mother and grandmother who was married to Bryan Bjorlow for 23 years. She was a caretaker, helping take care of her brother-in-law after he suffered a stroke. Anne's son Homer Laffoon is the executor of her estate after battling it out in court against his late mother's ex, James Tupper. Every time I drive by the now-shuttered Johnie's, I lament that I'll never get to stop in for a slice of pie.

Ukrainians contemplate the once unthinkable: Losing the war with Russia

old rock house

Please check our concert calendar here – show listings will include a note indicating when tickets to that show cannot be bought in person at our venue. The band will perform to an empty house in concert Saturday night at the Pageant; the show will be livestreamed to home viewers. Since Old Rock House’s initial shutdown, he says, it’s been a lot of red light, green light — eyeing a move forward only to be stopped. Seating charts reflect the general layout for the venue at this time. For some events, the layout and specific seat locations may vary without notice.

Responses to “Luminaries of the Canyon: Laurel Canyon’s Most Star-Studded Home”

It became a kind of second home for all and was even the go-to stop for visiting musicians from across the pond like Eric Clapton, The Beatles, Donovan, and Jimmy Page. Here, a young Eric Clapton sits and listens to Joni Mitchell sing, “Urge for Going” as Cass’s daughter Owen looks on. Weber quickly became involved with the National Independent Venue Association, whose mission is to preserve and nurture the ecosystem of independent live music venues.

Police said Buchanan was 32 at the time of his mother’s death and had lived with the couple for 16 years. Bryan Bjorlow said while there were disagreements, there was nothing out of the ordinary in the household. After Mama Cass died in 1974, the home would change hands a number of times between a host of celebrities. Later, Dan Aykroyd and his wife actress Donna Dixon called it one of their many homes. Our building has 2 levels; each with fully stocked bars, a spacious patio, and a private lounge area in our finished basement that is well utilized by the wedding party to relax or freshen up.

Old Rock House is a live music venue housed in a restored historic building and hosts over 200 concerts a year. Concert goers are able to enjoy the live music in a state of the art venue, have dinner prepared by an award winning chef, and sample a wide variety of adult beverages. ORH Outdoor Pavilion is an outdoor venue, and all concerts are Rain or Shine.

The Ironman Group, the organization behind the St. Jude Rock ‘n’ Roll Running Series marathon in Nashville, said Joey Fecci, 26, was found unresponsive in the Shelby Park portion of the race, and medical personnel performed CPR at the scene. The House vote “will make the United States of America richer, further ruin Ukraine and result in the deaths of even more Ukrainians, the fault of the Kyiv regime,” Peskov said, according to official Russian media. Field units have reported rationing artillery shells and precision rockets even as Russian troops mount an aggressive push in places like the key eastern town of Chasiv Yar.

ORH Outdoor Pavilion, is in the parking lot next to Old Rock House, the entrance will be along 7th Street, just South of the usual venue entrance. European allies, for their part, had watched the drawn-out aid drama with mounting anxiety and exasperation. But most quickly pivoted to public expressions of optimism and unity. Nonetheless, Cara's parents, Charles and Pandora, had their own theory about the house fire ...

Downtown Los Angeles Wikipedia

old south meeting house

Head towards Myrtle Avenue and you’ll see the town entrance along with several dining establishments, shopping areas, mom-and-pop stores, and breweries. The community gathers in Old Town every week for its art and music fairs on Wednesdays and Farmers Market Fridays, and if that weren’t enough, residents always have additional events planned for the upcoming holidays. Despite the fact that the Old Town Historic District in Orange is less than one square mile, the area is packed with history and activities. Nearly every structure in this district, which consists of over 1,300 residences and buildings, has some sort of history attached to it. There are over 50 different types of architectural styles featured in this area, many ranging from Bungalow, Craftsman, Hip-Roof Cottage, Mediterranean, Prairie, Spanish Colonial, and Victorian architectural styles. The district was officially placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1997 and regularly attracts people from all over the country.

Bel-Air Bay Club

Numerous specialty stores also flourished including those in the jewelry business which gave rise to the Downtown Jewelry District. Among these early jewelers included the Laykin Diamond Company (later becoming Laykin et Cie[18]) and Harry Winston & Co., both of which found their beginnings in the Hotel Alexandria at Fifth and Spring streets. Lewis Bradbury, a Tajo silver mining millionaire and real estate developer, built his eponymous building after asking famed local architect Sumner Hunt to design it, but hired one of Hunt's draftsmen, George Wyman, to complete the design instead.

Old South Meeting House was a church with enslavers and enslaved people as members - GBH News

Old South Meeting House was a church with enslavers and enslaved people as members.

Posted: Wed, 19 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Pisgah Home movement

Walk down Alameda Street to Temple Avenue, west to Main Street to City Hall. Built in 1928 in a quirky mix of styles, the top of the building pays homage to an ancient mausoleum. Add to that a mix of American skyscraper, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, Romanesque and Byzantine design. The rotunda dome is elaborately tiled and is a "must-see" for any trip to L.A.

Important Maritime Museums to Visit Around the World

Great efforts have been made to preserve this historic landmark throughout its nearly 300-year-history. The following timeline demonstrates just a few of the major efforts that have been made to protect and preserve Old South Meeting House. Bank Tower, known to locals as the "Library Tower," the tallest structure west of the Mississippi (more than 1,000 feet tall — no roof access). Next to it are the Bunker Hill Steps, 103 graceful steps patterned after Rome’s Spanish Steps. Old South Meeting House is saved by the Old South Association and opens to the public as a museum and meeting place.

The Adventurers’ Club

Historically, downtown held a dense concentration of banks, department stores, and movie palaces that drew residents and visitors of all socioeconomic classes, but after the 1950s the area began to experience an economic decline. Still, it remained an important center for various activities—government business in the Civic Center, banking on Bunker Hill, and retail and entertainment, especially for Hispanic Angelenos and immigrants, on Broadway. Since the early 2000s, downtown has experienced a renaissance of economic revitalization, including the Crypto.com Arena in downtown's south end, and the restoration and repurposing of historic buildings in the area.

Explore this pivotal moment and how this Puritan meeting house turned into a revolutionary hall by visiting the Old South Meeting House, stewarded by Revolutionary Spaces. My older brother and I was in the army, but he was discharged because he had to come back home to run the store. After my father passed away, my younger brothers were too young to run the store, and my mother didn’t speak English.

Millennium Biltmore Hotel

The hand roll combos include a daily roll that alternates between toro and yellowtail. The Last Bookstore sells more than 250,000 new and used books and magazines. In addition to its vast selection of titles across all genres, the store itself is a must-see for its interior design alone. Not only are there books for sale, but printed material is adapted to create a unique environment where novels, anthologies, manuals and storybooks actually become a part of the store's own layout, too. Don’t miss the mezzanine level, which includes the Labyrinth Above the Last Bookstore (the back room sells 100,000 books for $1 each!), Gather Yarn Shop, and the Spring Arts Collective gallery shops.

old south meeting house

We steward these buildings as gathering spaces for the open exchange of ideas and the continuing practice of democracy, inspiring all who believe in the power of people to govern themselves. Since 1877, Old South has served as a museum, historic site, educational institution, and a sanctuary for free speech. In the 1920s, Old South enacted a policy to grant the use of the building to groups otherwise denied a public platform. Old South continues to serve as a catalyst for intellectual thought and energy by sponsoring public forums, debates, concerts and theatrical presentations year round. It's ongoing exhibit "Voices of Protest" tells the inspiring, sometimes disturbing, and frequently controversial story of the Old South Meeting House through the voices of the men and women whose achievements have shaped its history.


old south meeting house

Established as a social club in 1895, the Jonathan Club spent a lot of time combating its long and stuffy history. It underwent a hip makeover in 2013 and relaxed its dress code in the hope of attracting a younger crowd. (Since 1987, it also allows non-white-male members.) Henry E. Huntington, the railroad magnate, was a member. Founded in 1888, the club, designed by architect Robert Farquhar, has counted former mayor Richard Riordan, journalist Charles Fletcher Lummis, and real estate developer H. When the British left Old South Meeting House after converting it to practice horse riding, the building was unfit for occupancy.

It took nearly eight years for the congregation to raise the funds and restore the interior. Just east of the Library is the Millennium Biltmore Hotel, one of the favorite places to stay in L.A. The lush Italian Renaissance-style lobby is filled with columns, frescoes and boasts a dazzling ceiling.

In 1773, Old South hosted a number of meetings about what to do with East India Company tea sitting in Boston Harbor waiting to be unloaded and taxed. On December 16, 1773, the final meeting at Old South Meeting House would serve as the start of the Boston Tea Party. Built as a Puritan meeting house in 1729, Old South Meeting House stands today as one of the nation’s most important colonial sites, one of the country’s first public historic conservation efforts, and one of the earliest museums of American history. There was only about twelve or thirteen stores that were built there in the beginning. As it become more of a quaint place where people come and visit and buy curio, it grew more and more.

Although Wheatley was not a member, her closest friend, an enslaved woman named Obour Tanner, helped found the society, while sharing Wheatley’s devotion to the Congregational Church. At least seven letters between the two women survive in the historical record, indicating that Wheatley’s ties to African-American New England influenced her life and writing just as strongly as Boston’s white elite. Additionally, the only surviving portrait of Phillis Wheatley, commissioned by England’s Countess of Huntingdon, was based on an engraving by African painter, Scipio Moorhead. As a show of thanks, and in a thinly veiled encouragement of African achievement, Wheatley wrote a poem in Moorhead’s honor that appeared in her Poems on Various Subjects.

Whether you’re a tourist or local staying in SoCal, you’d be remiss to skip a visit to some of the region’s old town districts. While some of these old towns have been preserved as the city’s historic core, others have also been updated to reflect today’s modern times. At the southwest corner of Broadway and 3rd Street is the Bradbury Building, a reddish-brick, Renaissance-style structure built in 1893. The one-of-a-kind interior features a five-story atrium finished with glazed bricks, wrought-iron grillwork (including the cage elevator that will be familiar from the many movies filmed here). It’s ongoing exhibit “Voices of Protest” tells the inspiring, sometimes disturbing, and frequently controversial story of the Old South Meeting House through the voices of the men and women whose achievements have shaped its history.

KazuNori is a new concept from Kazunori Nozawa, founder of the burgeoning SUGARFISH restaurant group. KazuNori features a 22-seat bar and no tables - the minimalist interior was designed by Glen Bell of DEX Studio, who designed several SUGARFISH locations as well as Badmaash. The first restaurant of its kind, KazuNori offers a single-page menu of freshly-made hand rolls - crispy nori (seaweed) is wrapped around warm rice and ingredients like salmon, bay scallop, lobster and of course Nozawa’s signature blue crab. Hand rolls and sashimi can be ordered a la carte while to-go combos feature cut rolls and sashimi.

The club’s facilities include a pool; basketball, handball, and squash courts; and boutique hotel rooms. Famous members include Charlie Chaplin, Colonel James B. Lankershim, and Esther Williams. Since 1927, Jonathans have had access to this imposing, ivy-covered private beach club, ”cradled in the rolling bluffs” along the shore. Access to the beach club costs a little bit more, but it’s probably worth it.

Haunted Houses and Scary Halloween Attractions Near Seattle 2023

georgetown morgue haunted house

These strange occurrences have been happening for decades and have been experienced by various people, some of whom even see John Wayne’s apparition. Movie legend John Wayne aka ‘The Duke,’ loved Newport Beach so much that it seems like he may have decided to stick around even after his death. The Wild Goose is the luxury yacht he purchased in 1979, just a few short months before his cancer claimed his life. Stanley House is a historic home located in the Garden Grove area of the OC. It has long been one of the most haunted locations in Orange County, thanks to several ghostly inhabitants. There is also a tall man that various people have seen.

The Haunted History of The Queen Mary

They have everything from costumes, masks, and live actors to really get you in the Halloween spirit. Free parking is available, with public transportation nearby. No drinking is allowed, but there are plenty of spots nearby. Remember there’s a “no touch” policy (you don’t touch them; they don’t touch you). Because of their reputation as one of the best scares, the lines are often long—but there’s a VIP line for an additional charge.

Haunted Halloween Road Trips around Washington

Several people have reported seeing a little girl in this area, sometimes sucking her thumb and sometimes with a doll in hand. Whether or not the room is haunted by that little girl, we'll probably just choose to stay away. This now-abandoned onboard pool was once the epitome of luxury with an illuminated fountain, a mother-of-pearl ceiling, and elaborate mosaic tiles. The pool is no longer in use because of California code issues, but that doesn't stop it from being one of the hotbeds of paranormal activity on the ship.

Haunted Places In Washington

The owner-operators of this Pioneer Square ghost tour emphasize their local insight and knowledge of the city’s history, examining everything from Victorian mysticism to the occult. Subjecting oneself to terror, in a controlled and consequence-free setting, is one of life's great joys, and one among many reasons that Halloween is, in fact, the best holiday. You can treat your brain to a tidy shot of adrenaline (or take actual shots) with the help of these Seattle-area Halloween attractions. If you're looking for more PG spooky happenings, check out our list of family-friendly events. If you’re a nature lover and a fan of the paranormal, you’ll definitely want to explore the Iron Goat Trail near Leavenworth.

georgetown morgue haunted house

(During World War II, the ship was pressed into service to transport soldiers between the fronts.) The liner was retired in 1967 and given over to the City of Long Beach. The Queen Mary, an ocean liner that was converted into a hotel and permanently docked in Long Beach, California, is as stately as they come. But don't let its luxe appearance fool you; it also happens to be one of the most haunted hotels (and almost certainly the most haunted ship) in America. Anyone wanting to tour the Haunted House with a handicap needs to let the ticket booth know for any special instructions. A staff Member will accompany your group to assist you if you need it.

The Georgetown Morgue haunted house isn’t the only place you can go ghost hunting. You might also come in contact with the other side when you walk through Black Diamond Cemetery. Many people have reported hearing ominous whistling sounds even when no one else was there. Could it be the sounds of people from beyond the grave? It’s also rumored that Tacoma Old City Hall is haunted by a slew of spooky ghosts. You may see the lights flicker and feel an unnatural cold chill through the air.

It’s believed he’s Kathryn Helena Irvine Lillard’s, Father James H. Irvine. Also, the staff often hear someone singing when no one is there. One night in 1966, the watertight doors in the engine and boiler rooms were ordered to be closed. About five minutes later, an 18-year-old crew member from Yorkshire was found crushed in the door of Hatch #13, trapped with his arms pinned to his side. Although the man was freed and carried to the hospital ward, it was too late.

Stress Positions @ Seattle International Film Festival 2024

She has been spotted in the cemetery for many years now and is the spirit of a girl who died under tragic circumstances in a buggy accident on her way to prom sometime around 1910. As the employees started to call security, the guest faded into thin air right in front of them — a feat all three women reported seeing at the same time. The Queen Mary began its life as a cruise ship on the Cunard-White Star Line. The vessel was christened on September 26, 1934, by Queen Mary herself, and it went on to log more than three decades ferrying both luxury and military passengers.

Whether this is an urban legend or the real deal, everyone can agree that this is one of the scariest haunted houses in Seattle. Let’s take a look at the Georgetown Morgue in Seattle. Living guests, though, aren't the only ones who've been known to spend time on the historic ship. At least 49 deaths are said to have taken place on the QM since its maiden voyage, and accordingly, legend holds that several areas on board have been home to apparitions. These days, the hotel offers ghost tours by day and night to take full advantage of the spooky stories.

Straddling a very thin line between LARPing, Renaissance fair, and haunted house, this forest trail at Grand Farms in Vaughn promises to be littered with grotesque medieval terrors. It warns that souls cannot survive in the utter darkness of these woods so, you know, buyer beware. SEATTLE — When you think of a haunted house, the Georgetown Morgue has been a staple for the past decade.

The morgue holds what is considered to be the most horrifying unsolved crime in Seattle history. Nine of their staff were forced into the crematorium chamber. There were no surviving witnesses, nor were suspects ever identified. You can catch a glimpse of the past when you visit the spooky town of Claquato. Founded in the 1850s, this area only lasted about 10 years. Will you encounter a ghost while you’re in the area?

Seattle's Elysian Brewing and Georgetown Morgue Team Up for a Frightful Beer Delivery Service - Eater Seattle

Seattle's Elysian Brewing and Georgetown Morgue Team Up for a Frightful Beer Delivery Service.

Posted: Thu, 14 Oct 2021 07:00:00 GMT [source]

We have a “no touch” policy – you don’t touch us; we don’t touch you. Unfortunately, due to the very dim lighting inside the haunt, you may occasionally come into accidental contact with one our staff. The haunted house is built for those over 12 years of age. Idyllic pumpkin patch by day, amygdala-tickling horror show by night. Stocker Farms transforms into a scary attraction in the dark, notable for its clown-heavy repertoire. Clown shot paintball provides opportunity to seek your revenge.

Every October, people from all over Washington come to experience the chilling Georgetown Morgue Haunted House in Seattle. While this is one of Washington’s best and longest-running haunted houses, it is well-known that the experience is not for the faint of heart. If you go, you should be prepared to get seriously spooked. What’s especially chilling is that this actually used to be a real morgue – and it’s allegedly the site of an extremely horrific haunted house killing – at least that’s what the haunted house claims.

This stateroom was a problem long before the Queen Mary opened as a hotel. In 1948, a British third-class passenger, Walter J. Adamson, passed away in the room, under circumstances that have been lost to time. Later, in 1966, a woman staying in the room reported that she was woken up when the bed covers were pulled off of her and she saw a man standing at the foot of her bed. She screamed and rang for the steward, but the man apparently vanished into thin air. The historic Queen Mary is a stately ship-turned-hotel in Long Beach, California, with a haunted history.

There are also reports of a headless soldier who stands guard over the grounds. There have also been sightings of a female apparition around the Matterhorn, which is thought to be the ghost of a lady who died on the ride. There is also a little boy who has been seen weeping at the exit to the Haunted Mansion ride, apparently upset that his ashes were scattered here by his Mom. It may be the happiest place on Earth, but Disneyland also harbors a haunted reputation. It is said to be haunted by the spirit of Walt Disney himself, who likes to wander around the Magic Kingdom. After dark, those who have braved the canyon tell tales of horrifying deranged screaming, shadow figures that seem to shapeshift, ghostly apparitions, and even satanic rituals.

101 Best Haircuts For Men To Copy in 2024

design in mens hair

You can add it to a variety of different cuts, or you can aim for the classic comb over and pair it with the fade of your choice. Volume is in, and if you’re trying to give your hair some serious lift, a blow dryer will be your best friend. Just flip your head over and blow dry at the roots, then use a brush or comb to move everything into place. The contemporary mullet is a fun style that combines longer hair in the back with a shorter cut on the sides and front, offering a rebellious look for younger guys. By making a comeback, the new mullet can be seen everywhere as guys confidently wear the look. A short pompadour with a mid drop fade is a fashionable look for guys who want a longer fringe but find the extra height in front a little too outgoing.

4 Steps to A Sharp Hairstyle - Men's Health

4 Steps to A Sharp Hairstyle.

Posted: Wed, 14 May 2014 07:00:00 GMT [source]

How To Steal Leonardo DiCaprio's Hairstyle

design in mens hair

The most popular haircuts for men are the fade, modern quiff, comb over, French crop, hard side part, textured brush back, fringe, faux hawk and undercut. These trending men’s styles are cool and versatile choices that will enhance your haircut and make you feel confident in your look. If you want to experiment with a new haircut, these classic and contemporary styles are a simple way to update your look for a fresh vibe. Spiky hairstyles may remind you of the ’90s, but modern spiky hair is completely different and provides a cool way to style short hair. By adding texture with a small amount of hair product to seeing your scalp, you can pull off this edgy haircut for young guys. As you can see from the example above, a fresh low skin fade and line up go a long way towards shaping the spikes on top.

Best for irritated scalps:Kitsch Castor Oil Nourishing Shampoo Bar

The high volume comb over is an effortlessly cool haircut for all seasons that allows guys to style any look for any event. Ask your barber for a high fade to keep the top looking more voluminous. The result should be a heavily textured style that can be easily brushed back and tousled with pomade or clay.

Slideshow: Men's Hair Care Packaging - Beauty Packaging

Slideshow: Men's Hair Care Packaging.

Posted: Thu, 21 Jul 2016 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Low Undercut Hairstyles

The front of the hair is still voluminous, but its toned-down appearance makes it far more wearable. Let your rebellious side shine with a messy medium style that flows over from a deep part. There are countless ways to wear this one, but if you’re going for the rugged look, try it with an undercut and beard. The center section is much longer than the rest, which adds volume and interest to the style. A long brushed-back style suits men of all ages who want a professional and glamorous appearance.

This textured short cut is easy to achieve and maintain with nothing more than a brush and some matte pomade. Just apply a tiny amount of pomade to your palms, work it through the top section of your hair, and then use a comb to brush hair forward and up. Fringe adds youthfulness to a hairstyle in the best possible way, and it can also draw attention to your eyes. This gorgeous textured cut is perfect for men who have wavy hair and who want something that looks high-maintenance without the hassle.

Use a product that offers up some hold to keep the volume, but be sure that it still allows for some movement at the same time. Though plenty of men still appreciate classic greaser hairstyles, this style adds a modern twist. This slick back still requires a high-hold product with shine, but in this case, it’s brushed back and to the side for a natural flow. Your hair can make quite the statement depending on your choice of styles, and this unique swept back undercut fade is the perfect example.

Fade Line Design Separator

It’s been regarded as a hairstyle that just kind of happens to a man when grooming goes out of the window. With a bit of TLC and fancy scissor work though, long locks don’t need to smear you as a soap dodger. Mid-shoulder-length hair that’s slightly messed up has plenty of potential to reach the hallowed mid-point between making an effort and not.

The most common type of disconnected slash is an undercut-style with long hair on top and short hair on the back. This style requires a lot of maintenance — if you want it to look good, you must have enough time every week to style your hair. A disconnected slash is a haircut that involves a side part, long hair on one side of the head, and a shaved undercut on the other. The simple line is a straight line that goes from the back of your head to the front. It can be cropped short or long, but it’s always about one solid line of hair that creates an edge around your face.

The X design is a swashbuckling choice for men who want to try anything and everything with their look. A hard surgical line design can appear daunting, but the thickness of the line emphasizes your natural boldness.

If you are keen to get creative and are looking for inspiration, scroll down for a complete collection of haircut designs for men. We have rounded up a selection of ideas to match any haircut, length, and hair texture. As one of the most popular styles, this textured spiky style comes with a fresh high skin fade that looks edgy. This comb over fade is a hipster cut that can look stylish and cool on young men with thick, straight hair. The medium length hair can be versatile, allowing you to transform your style throughout the week.

The long, slicked-back style is one of the most popular hairstyles that frequently makes use of high fades. Since there is no hair on the sides, the slicked-back top hair gets all the attention. Side-swept undercuts are the little cousin of the tousled hairstyle.

It looks great with the full beard, but it also looks amazing with a clean-shaven face. An undercut pairs just as nicely with short hair as with medium-length or long hair, and that’s evident with this style. Naturally thick wavy hair adds height, volume, and texture, which is only accentuated by the short hair on the sides. If you like the idea of a quiff but it seems a bit high-maintenance, this faded quiff haircut is a good choice. With very short sides and a short to medium length top, all you have to do is apply some pomade, brush up your hair, and leave it spiked and messy.

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